Hi Guys !
Today we'll learn How to Make your Desktop attaractive and how to convert you dull windows xp & 7 into a professional Look !
Look at this Picture
its Looking Like super computer or US Army server !

and its Just normal windows 7 OS, i Modified desktop using RainMeter
Lets Start !
1st of all you need to install Rainmeter on your desktop
you can download rainmeter here
After downloading Rainmeter you need to download Skin of rainmeter
Currently i'm using Omnimo 5.0 skin, its given windows 8 look to your xp and 7
Some Good RainMeter skins :
1-  Omnimo 5.0

download (18.1 MB)
2- Blue Machine

3- Electric Space

How to Install it ?
Goto your downloaded Skin
right click on file and click on "install RainMeter skin"

You Can add or remove widgets by right click on Desktop
for example see the picture Given below !

Hope you enjoyed this Post ! Please comment and share posts if you appreciate my work ! Thanks :)

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